Obinna Odirionye: How This Founder Is Reimagining Cloud Computing in 2024

1 May 2024

Cloud computing was once at the forefront of emerging data center technology. But now, it’s the backbone of digital businesses worldwide. “The cloud” is no longer just a corporate buzzword — it powers everything from mobile apps to billion-dollar enterprises.

And it’s not done growing yet! Visionary leaders like Obinna Odirionye, CEO and creator of Clouddley, believe it will define the next generation of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things.

However, cloud computing also has inherent complexities that can hinder innovation. To combat this, Obinna is improving accessibility and simplicity in cloud technologies, making these tools available to more people than ever before.

Cloud Computing: Powerful Tech with a High Barrier to Entry

Setting up and maintaining cloud infrastructure can be quite a chore. You must have a firm understanding of networking, security protocols, resource optimization, and many other complicated concepts. Even feature-rich cloud platforms like AWS don’t exactly make it easy for a relative beginner to launch a cloud app.

This means there’s a steep barrier for small companies and startups that could greatly benefit from cloud computing but lack the resources to hire trained professionals. But this is one area where these businesses can’t afford to fall behind. 85% of organizations are expected to take a cloud-first approach by 2025. 95% of all new digital workloads are predicted to be deployed on cloud-native platforms by then as well. This means even small businesses must leverage cloud technologies if they hope to keep up with the competition.

That’s why Obinna aims to democratize the cloud, empowering organizations big and small to use the cloud in simple but powerful ways.

Simplifying the Cloud — the Clouddley Way

Ever since he was a teenager, Obinna was fascinated with “The Cloud.” As he developed his tech skills and learned the ins and outs of cloud computing, he only came to love it more. Now, he calls the cloud “the heart of the internet.”

After starting his career as a DevOps engineer for Deimos, a cloud developer and security operations company, Obinna noticed how complicated cloud platforms have become. He realized just how many talents a developer has to have in order to create a smooth cloud experience, and he also learned how many ways cloud computing can go wrong. But rather than accept it as the status quo, Obinna decided to do something about it.

Enter Clouddley.

Clouddley is Obinna’s baby, the new kid on the block. It’s a reimagining of the cloud, a simple, cost-effective approach that any organization can use to develop robust cloud apps with a fraction of the complexity. All you have to do is connect Clouddley to your GitHub account, configure your app, and then deploy it. So, instead of having to worry about load balancing, IAM roles, policies, etc., you can let Clouddley handle it all, allowing you to focus on the code and shipping a successful product.

The latest iteration of Clouddley includes a product called Triggr, a continuous deployment platform. Like the base Clouddley platform, it’s designed to simplify a developer’s work — by auto-detecting your programming language and framework, deploying to the server/VM of your choice without you having to lift a finger, it dramatically expedites the deployment workflow.

As you can see, Clouddley vastly eliminates many of the complexities that come with cloud computing. It makes the process straightforward, allowing you to deploy an app without needing extensive cloud training. It’s the culmination of Obinna’s dream: democratizing the cloud and making the heart of the internet accessible to everyone.

A Cloudy Future Never Looked So Bright

Despite achieving his goal of simplifying the cloud, Obinna isn’t done. He’s already hard at work with version 2 of Clouddley, which aims to give users even more flexibility in how they deploy their apps. In this version, Triggr users will be able to easily add team members, deploy databases on the fly in seconds, and run LLMs like Llama 2 and Mixtral 8x22b on top of their virtual machines with OpenAI-compatible endpoints provided by Clouddley Triggr to chat with these models.

After that, Obinna has plans for a Heroku alternative that vastly simplifies containerized app development. Like the Clouddley platform as a whole, his goal for the project is to reduce the barrier to entry when running a production-managed app.

Despite Clouddley’s impressive capabilities, Obinna insists on offering these top-flight solutions at a fraction of what he could realistically sell them for. In his words, “If you can afford a Starbucks coffee, you can use the Clouddley platform.”

As cloud computing continues to evolve, leaders like Obinna will be at the forefront. By making cloud development more accessible, Obinna is empowering a more diverse group of developers and entrepreneurs to create and implement innovative cloud-based solutions. He’s paving the way for this next generation of developers — innovators who will enjoy a more inclusive and user-friendly cloud computing environment.

This story was distributed by Jon Stojan Media under HackerNoon’s Brand As An Author Program. Learn more about the program here: